Data Structure: Linked List in Swift 4

Ankur JAIN
4 min readSep 21, 2018


Linked List


This post is all about learning linked list implementation in Swift. This post is strictly for those who are familiar with Swift and Linked list in general. So let’s get some hands-on it.

Creating Node

We have created Node class with value and next variables. It has a printNode method which prints all the nodes linked with it. Let’s create the Linked List class.

Creating Linked List Class

We have created Linked list class which has the parent node and the last node.

CreateLinkedListWithElements method creates the linked list with the given array.

Initializing Linked List

We have created linked list object with the integer array and then we print the linked list node by node

Appending Items in the linked list

Let’s write this method in the linked list class we created

Now use this method to append the elements to the linked list we create just before.

So appending elements to the linked list is quite easy.

Inserting a value in the Linked list

Write this method in the Linked list class.

Now let’s see how we can use it

As you can see, we inserted value 64 at index 8 in the list we created before. It inserts the value and prints the whole list node by node

Removing Node from Linked List

Let’s now remove a node from the linked list. Write this method in your Linked list class

Now let’s see how we can use it.

As you can see we have removed the node at position 2 which is 2 in this case and it prints all the node one by one after removal.

Get the last value

Let’s use it to get the value

Get Value at Index

Now let’s try to get the value at the given position.

Write this method in your linked list class

Let’s use this method to get the value at position 3 from the linked list we created.

Get the length of the linked list

Now let’s write the method in the Linked list class to get the length of the linked list.

Let’s use it.


That’s all the basic operations with the Linked list. Now you can try and do some advanced stuff with it like reversing a linked list etc. Try to implement a doubly linked list too, where a node has two pointers next and previous and use it with all the methods like reversing. That’s it, keep watching for the next data Structure I come up with. Thanks!

