Truth vs Belief

Ankur JAIN
3 min readAug 22, 2020


If you’ve come here to read this article, one thing is certain, that you’re curious to know the truth about Truth. But in reality, truth is very complex. Many people think what they believe is the truth, be it the basis on the holy scriptures or based on some findings from others like science. But in reality, belief isn’t something which is always true(or shouldn’t be considered as truth). Most of the times we accept some entities so much that whatever they say or convey, we consider that or believe that to be true. Let me give you an example to prove that-

Some People believe that there are finite number of planets which makes our universe, while the other set of people believe that there is no end to universe, it is infinite. Some people believe that there is only one God, some believe that are many gods and some believe there is no God at all. All i want to say is that a human being can be made to believe just anything if we work upon them.

Things are visible and invisible as well. We stand by visible objects and accept them as they surely are but do not recognise their invisible characteristics. Until and unless one does not recognise both these characters of an object, one cannot reach to the truth and justice. None is absolutely similar or dissimilar, friend or enemy, good or bad. As a matter of fact, every entity hides in itself the innumerable possibilities. Coal can be converted into the state of the diamond or coal is the first stage of diamond. So we can say that Truth has many dimensions.

There are so many beliefs but how do we find out if that’s the Truth? Anything which we’ve invented or created, is the Truth when we see it or feel it because it is the same information which is fed to others. But when something is outside of human reach or which we haven’t seen or created or felt, but got it from our preferred source of Truth (Parents, Scriptures etc), becomes belief.

But is there any alternative to belief, which is more close to Truth? I don’t know. Yes, ‘I don’t know’, is a truth, which opens so many dimensions to seek for the Truth and make us seek for the Truth. That also make us more tolerant to other people’s point of views.

Think about it, terrorism, violence, fights and arguments happening all around the world is just because of this one thing- Belief(which they consider as Truth) If everyone stops considering their beliefs to be the absolute Truth, their will not be any terrorism, any violence, any fights or arguments between us. Everyone will be acceptable to other point of views, we will live in harmony and peace. And one important thing- we’ll make sure that our future generations don’t face the problems which we are facing now.

These are just my personal thoughts, it might differ from what you think but as i’ve mentioned that there is no absolute truth when we’re debating on something 😀 So i’m happy to know your point of views as well.

Thanks For Reading!!!



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