Uncovering Hidden Gems in Swift

Ankur JAIN
8 min readMar 4, 2024


In the world of coding, finding cool stuff hidden in programming languages is like discovering buried treasure. Swift, Apple’s awesome programming language, is full of these hidden gems. It’s famous for being sleek and powerful, but there’s so much more to it! In this article, we’re gonna explore all the cool stuff Swift has to offer. Whether you’re a newbie or a pro coder, there’s something here for everyone. So come along for the ride as we dig deep into Swift and uncover all its awesome features!

Labeled Statements

Labeled statements in Swift provide a means to specify a particular loop or conditional block when using control flow statements like break and continue. They are particularly useful when dealing with nested loops or conditions and you need to specify which loop or condition to affect.

Here’s another example illustrating the use of labeled statements:

In this example, we have an outer loop labeled mainLoop and an inner loop labeled subLoop. The break mainLoop statement is used inside the inner loop to break out of the outer loop entirely when the inner loop iteration reaches 2.

Labeled statements provide a clear and explicit way to manage control flow in complex scenarios, ensuring that the intended loop or condition is affected by the control flow statement. This clarity enhances code readability and maintainability, making it easier for developers to understand and modify code as needed.

Variadic Parameters

Variadic parameters in Swift provide a dynamic and concise way to handle functions that accept a variable number of arguments of the same type. This feature adds versatility to your code, allowing you to create functions that can adapt to different input scenarios effortlessly. By leveraging variadic parameters, you can enhance readability and streamline your code, eliminating the need for explicit array creation and providing a more intuitive syntax for function calls. Moreover, variadic parameters offer a performance advantage for smaller sets of arguments, optimizing the efficiency of your code execution. Overall, embracing variadic parameters empowers you to design more flexible and efficient functions, enriching your Swift programming experience with greater expressiveness and elegance.

In this example, the sum function accepts variadic parameters of type Double. It calculates the total sum of all the numbers passed as arguments. With variadic parameters, we can call the sum function with different numbers of arguments each time. We don't need to create an array explicitly; instead, we pass individual values directly to the function. This makes the function call more natural and readable, and it adapts seamlessly to different usage scenarios without sacrificing performance or clarity

Nested Functions

Nested functions in Swift offer a concise and organized approach to encapsulate functionality within a parent function, promoting modularity and clarity. By defining functions within functions, developers can keep related code together and prevent cluttering the global namespace. Nested functions also have access to variables and constants from their enclosing function’s scope, facilitating clean code design. For example, within a function that calculates the total cost of an order, a nested function could handle tax calculation, ensuring that tax-related logic is neatly contained within the main function:

In this example, the calculateTotalOrderCost function contains a nested function calculateTax responsible for computing the tax amount based on the subtotal. This organization keeps tax-related logic confined within the main function, enhancing code readability and maintainability

Closures Capturing values

In Swift, closures provide a powerful way to encapsulate functionality, allowing developers to create reusable units of code that can be passed around and executed at a later time. One intriguing aspect of closures is their ability to capture constants and variables from the surrounding context in which they’re defined. This means that closures can retain references to these values, even if the original scope where they were defined no longer exists. To illustrate this concept, let’s explore a scenario where we create a function factory using closures to generate custom calculator functions. Through this example, we’ll delve into how closures capture values from their enclosing scope, enabling the creation of dynamic and adaptable code structures

In this example, the makeCalculator function generates a closure that captures an initial value and applies a specified operation to it. We create two calculators: one for addition and one for multiplication. Each calculator retains its own state (initial value and operation) and produces results accordingly when invoked.

Recursive Enumerations

Recursive enumerations in Swift allow you to define enums where associated values can be of the same enum type, enabling the creation of complex, recursive data structures. One classic example of recursive enumeration is representing a binary tree. Let’s see how we can define a binary tree using a recursive enum in Swift:

In this example, we define a recursive enum called BinaryTree that represents a binary tree. The enum has two cases: leaf, which represents an empty leaf node, and node, which represents a node containing a value of type T along with left and right subtrees, both of which are themselves binary trees. The indirect keyword is used to indicate that the node case is recursive.

We then create an example binary tree tree with values 1, 2, and 3, where the root node has two child nodes. This demonstrates how recursive enums allow us to create hierarchical data structures, such as binary trees, in a concise and expressive manner in Swift.

Failable Initializers

Failable initializers are special initializers defined in classes, structs, and enums that can return nil to indicate failure during initialization. They are denoted by appending a question mark ? to the init keyword. They even work with Enumerations with or without raw values.

Failable initializers are commonly used when initialization cannot always succeed due to invalid input or other conditions. By making an initializer failable, you can handle situations where initialization may fail gracefully, allowing you to communicate the failure to the caller and handle it accordingly.

Here’s a simple example to illustrate a failable initializer:

In this example, the Person struct has a failable initializer that takes a name parameter. If the name parameter is empty, the initializer returns nil, indicating failure. Otherwise, it initializes a Person instance with the provided name.

Failable initializers are useful for handling scenarios where initialization may not always be successful, allowing for more robust error handling and code resilience. They provide a way to create instances conditionally based on certain criteria, enhancing the flexibility and safety of your code

Managing Conflicts in Swift’s In-Out Parameters

The concept of in-out parameters is a powerful tool for modifying variables passed to functions. However, there’s a catch when it comes to managing memory access: in-out parameters can lead to conflicts if not handled carefully. Let’s see how Swift deals with overlapping memory access in functions with in-out parameters and propose a solution to avoid conflicts.

Understanding the Issue: When a function takes in-out parameters, it gains long-term write access to those variables. This means that the function can modify the variables for the entire duration of its execution. However, this also poses a risk of conflicting memory access, especially if the function modifies global variables or variables accessed elsewhere in the code.

For instance, consider a scenario where a global variable stepSize is being modified within a function increment that takes an in-out parameter number. This could lead to conflicts because both stepSize and number refer to the same memory location.

In the code above, stepSize is a global variable, and it’s normally accessible from within increment(_:). However, the read access to stepSize overlaps with the write access to number. As shown in the figure below, both number and stepSize refer to the same location in memory. The read and write accesses refer to the same memory and they overlap, producing a conflict.

Proposed Solution: To resolve conflicts arising from overlapping memory access, we can make an explicit copy of the variable before passing it to the function with in-out parameters. By doing so, we ensure that the function operates on a separate copy of the variable, preventing conflicts with the original variable.

Here’s a breakdown of the solution:

  1. Before calling the function with in-out parameters, create a copy of the variable.
  2. Pass the copy to the function for modification.
  3. Update the original variable with the modified value obtained from the copy.

By following these steps, we guarantee that there are no conflicting accesses to the same memory location, thus avoiding runtime errors and unexpected behaviour in our code.

Managing conflicts in functions with in-out parameters is essential to ensure the stability and reliability of our code. By understanding how Swift handles memory access and employing strategies like making explicit copies of variables, we can effectively mitigate conflicts and write more robust code.


So, basically, Swift is not just any old programming language. It’s like a treasure chest full of awesome features waiting to be found. From cool labeled statements to handy failable initializers, Swift has a bunch of stuff that can make coding way easier and more fun.

Once you get the hang of these lesser-known parts of Swift, you’ll be coding like a pro in no time. It’ll help you work faster and make cooler apps. So, don’t be afraid to dive into the unknown with Swift. There’s a whole world of coding awesomeness waiting for you to discover!



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